David Matarin is all that matters. He is all you need. Just look at him with that cut jaw and that little cute cleft in his strong chin. Look at his seductive brown eyes and his knowing smirk. Don't you just want to run your fingers through his brown locks? Don't you want to whisper into his little ears? Don't you want to absolutely jump his bones? We sure do! David Matarin, for those who are not educated on this super hunk, is a Spanish actor who heats things up all over the globe. He has been acting ever since 2010 when he started showing up in a series of short films. It took a little while for his career to get off the ground, so he also worked as a production assistant for the 2016 series Temporada Baja. He had his first major role as Alexandr Kalatozov in the 2013 film Caidos which had people wondering: who IS he? He's David and he is here to charm the pants right off of audiences worldwide. Our pants are already off - no need to tell us twice! He has also starred in Guillermo on the Roof, The Accident, Indeteclables, and Dangerous Moms. He plays Yerai in Dafne and the Rest and that is his best role so far because he shows up shirtless and it is sexy. He hangs out in the kitchen without his shirt while two women snack on churros. We would love to snack on David's churro any day!