Remember back during COVID in early 2021 when all of those shenanigans began happening with Game Stop stock and a bunch of people lost a lot of money? Well, now there's a movie about it! Dumb Money (2023) comes to us from I, Tonya (2017) director Craig Gillespie, and stars Paul Dano as Keith Gill, a man who dabbled in finance and decided to sink his life savings into Game Stop stock to help it from crashing, setting off a chain of events that led to financial ruin for some and multi-million dollar settlements for others!
The high point in the film is inarguably the scene where Paul Dano and Pete Davidson, playing brothers, race one another naked and at the film's climax—literally—we see both of their bare buns as they sprint off! It may not have been the Pete Davidson nude debut of our dreams, but it'll do for now.