Set near the Rock of Gibraltar, the drug-filled thriller El Niño (2014) follows Jesús (Luis Tosar), a passionate cop who has spent years of his career chasing down drug dealers without making a major bust. Along with his partner Eva (Bárbara Lennie), the two find themselves looking to make that big bust, hot on the tail of El Inglés (Ian McShane), a shady Brit deep in the drug trade. Enter El Niño (Jesús Castro) and his buddy El Compi (Jesús Carroza), two motorboat mechanics dreaming of a better life. After a night of party, the two dudes cross paths with Halil (Saed Chatiby), who introduces them to his drug trafficking uncle Rachid (Mooussa Maaskri). With El Niño’s expertise at maneuvering a jet ski at high speeds, Rachid hires the naïve dude to transport hashish to Spain, where he eventually meets up with Jesús for a fantastic climax. Speaking of a climax, you’ll be on the edge of one when you see Jesús Castro shuck his swim shorts and shirt to go for a butt-baring skinny dip, ultimately turning us all into crack addicts!