Ely Coughlin has only coughed up one credit on IMDB, 1988's Witchery, but when your sole role is none other than Satan himself, that's a tough act to follow. The film concerns a group of stranded guests staying at a supposedly haunted hotel on a Massachusetts island habited by a ghost of a former German actress. One by one they are picked off in supernatural slasher fashion, with Ely picking up the slack and losing, well not his slacks, but whatever kind of shirt the devil is fond of wearing. Ely has a fit wiry frame just as you imagined Lucifer would possess. Though for one to enjoy this bare chested beast, you must not have a phobia of men with demonic, toothless smiles and upper lip skin that looks like it was peeled right off of Freddy Krueger himself. Throw a muzzle on this meanie and he's not half bad!