The gritty action-drama series Gang Related follows Ryan Lopez (Ramón Rodríguez), a hot shot detective making waves as part of an elite gang task force in Los Angeles. It seems as though ol’ Ryan has a secret—he used to be in the powerful gang Los Angelicos, and he also has some deep ties to a criminal organization. Oh, no. When Ryan’s partner and best bud is killed by a notorious gang banger, the determined detective must team up with fellow task force member Cassius Green (RZA), a bad ass that’s been battle gangs for quite awhile. The battle between the cops and the gangs leaves a bloody trail on the streets of LA that spares no one’s life. Unfortunately, the show is a little sparse on the flesh. On the pilot episode, Ramón Rodríguez flaunts his hunky body while taking a shower. Getting clean never felt so dirty!