Gil Alma is one of the hunkiest comedians that you’ll ever see. But he’s more than just a humorist—he’s a fine actor with a smile that could easily be responsible for the global ice caps melting. Like most aspiring actors, Gil knows the fastest path to stardom is to appear in short films, which he did in the brief French flicks Territoire intedit (2005), Mamdou il est où?, Faut que j’me casse (2007), and Memories of a Disturbed Young Lady (2010). All that short film work finally paid off for Gil when he made his big screen debut in the films Ugly Melanie (2008), which led to small appearances in the films One Day (2011), Bienvenue à bord (2011), and The Scapegoat (2013). Believe it or not, Gil made his nude debut in the eighteen-minute short Memories of a Disturbed Young Lady (2010). The only memory you’ll have of the film is of Gil’s ass he walks down the hallway, trying to put a condom on. We’d love to cop a feel of Gil!