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He's All That

He's All That (2021)

No Nudity


The Netflix teen movie He's All That is essentially a way for the streaming platform to cash in on the success of Addison Rae - one of the most followed TikTokers in the world. This social media superstar gets her chance to shine in He's All That, but of course, we're here for the boys. Sorry Addison! #Unfollow.

In case you couldn't guess, He's All That is a gender-swapped version of the 1999 movie about a high school boy who bets he can turn the least popular girl in school into the prom queen. This time around it's young hottie Tanner Buchanan who is getting the makeover from Addison Rae. Her character suffers a humiliating breakup, and she sets out to regain her popularity with a challenge to turn the unpopular Buchanan into the prom king. One problem folks. Rae falls for Buchanan!

I don't know about you, but the most unpopular kid in my high school didn't look like Tanner Buchanan. ::Looks in mirror, single tear falls down cheek:: He has a shredded to hell body with ultra-defined muscles, not to mention a super cute face. In one makeover scene he changes clothes as Rae films, and she gets flustered when she catches a glimpse of his amazing body. #Wet. Peyton Meyer plays Rae's ex boyfriend, and this bronzed and tatted cutie isn't afraid to show off his washboard abs either. You can see him in action during a cringy dance number, as well as in a fight scene opposite Buchanan. Now, if only this thing had some actual nudity. We want to see He's All Sac!