Night of Something Strange (2016) is a comedy horror film co-written and directed by Jonathan Straiton and starring Trey Harrison, Rebecca C. Kasek, and Wayne W. Johnson. This horror follows a group of friends who take a beach vacation together. However one their way to the beach, they make an unintended stop at an isolated motel where an STD that causes those infected to turn into zombies is running rampant. The mesmerizing Michael Merchant brings the booty at 25 minutes while pulling a prank on his friend. We get another peek at Michael’s tight tush at 50 minutes while he bangs the juicy John Walsh, who he doesn’t realize has joined the undead. Then we get a look at John’s shirtless, beefy bod when he wakes up in the morning, dragging Michael behind him. The tasty Trey Harrison shows off his beautiful bulge at 45 minutes while lounging in his briefs. These zombies have the right idea, because the men of Night of Something Strange look sexy enough to eat!