The independent horror flick The Red House (2013) co-stars Kate French as Shelby Gordon, a young chick that inherits her grandfather’s (Walter Olszewski) house located in the remote woods of Copperhead County. You scared yet? Along with her trusty friends—Carissa (Yvette Yates), Lindsey (Cristen Coppen), Chelsea (Kat Sheridan), and Travis (Lawrence Adimora)—Shelby takes a road trip to check out the titular abode. Along the way Shelby discovers that her uncle Joshua (John Otrin) was institutionalized when he was younger, a fact that the newly minted house owner was never told about. You still with us? Well, when Shelby’s friends start to disappear, she fears that the crazy Joshua is behind the shenanigans. To add to her growing problems, local pot purveyors, Pink (Gregory Avellone) and his son Will (Ed Ackerman), start threatening Shelby and her friends, leading her to believe that uncle Josh isn’t doing the nabbing. But with the help of the handsome local sheriff, Cole Callahan (Brendan Wayne), Shelby is determined to solve the mystery.
So the suspense may be high, but the skin content is disappointingly low. Lawrence Adimora does his best the bring the flesh, flaunting his amazing ass while hopping out of the hot tub. The Red House will turn you into a feel estate agent!