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Buck Wild

Buck Wild (2014)

Brief Nudity

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A deer hunting trip becomes a fight for survival against a zombie horde in Tyler Glodt's horror comedy Buck Wild (2013). Craig Thompson’s (Matthew Albrecht) hunting trip with his three buddies: wannabe zen master and martial artist Jerry (Jarrod Pistilli), indoorsy nerd Tom (Dru Lockwood), and womanizing lady killer Lance (Isaac Harrison) is supposed to bring them all together before Craig ties the knot. Unfortunately, what Craig doesn't know is that Lance is banging his fiancé behind his back. With that secret threatening to ruin the trip at any moment, the gang head to Clyde's (Joe Stevens) hunting ranch and meet his hot daughter Candy (Meg Cionni), only to find out that Clyde was bitten by a chupacabra and is turning into a zombie. Soon enough, our not-so-great white hunters are in the midst of a full-blown zombie outbreak. The weekend hunters must take some drastic measures to protect themselves from both a horrible hillbilly gang headed by Billy Ray (Mark Ford) and droves of the undead town's folk. But will the fact that his best buddy is boning his soon to be wife trip up their chances of surviving the ordeal? Does anyone get buck naked in this flick that billed itself as a redneck Shaun of the Dead (2004)? Unfortunately, no, but there is one scene where a fella flashes some ass. Jarred Pistilli is working on his nunchaku skills outside totally nude, and though we don't get to see his love pistol thanks to some clever camera cockblocking, when he turns around, we do see his tight butt. That thing kicks ass! You'll go Buck Wild seeing those buns!