Operation Hyacinth (2021) is a Polish Netflix original crime drama that is set in Poland in 1985. A young officer who lives in Warsaw during the communist regime in Poland is upset about the results of a murder investigation that is claimed to be solved. He decides that there must be more to it than what the investigators say happened, so he takes things into his own hand and sets out to uncover the truth while using unconventional methods that are outside of the jurisdiction of his supervisors. Can he actually solve this thing and not be caught by anyone in his attempts to catch the real killer? Tomasz Zietek plays our leading man, Robert wants to find out what is happening because he is in the closet and the victims of these crimes are gay men. He knows that he could find the truth and bring justice to his community. He can also serve some serious sexiness in his hot nude scenes. That is what we love from any kind of investigation. It is now a skinvestigation and Tom is taking this to the next level when he shows his ass after he gets up from having sex with a woman. In another scene, he cuddles with his guy in a morning-after shot. He hears a noise, so he gets up and scuttles away butt naked. Hubert Milkowski plays Arek, a sexy gay lover who gets spooned by the tasty Tomasz. He doesn't show much, but he kills it with hotness.