Filip is a harrowing World War II drama that takes a unique approach to shedding light on the upside world Europeans lived in at the time. Eryk Kulm stars as the titular Filip - a young Jewish man who escapes persecution and hides in plain sight by posing as a posh Frenchman. He takes up a job as a waiter at a very fancy hotel, where he eases into the lavish lifestyle - enjoying the food, booze, and most importantly for Filip, the women. Of course, you can't have a ladies man who doesn't have something to offer, and thankfully Eryk Kulm is as much of a charmer in real life as he is on camera. This hottie finds multiple opportunities in Filip to showcase his body! Check out his huge bulge during a pool scene that has his crotch at eye level with a lucky lady. Plus Eryk Kulm shows his ass in a number of straight sex scenes. He came, he Warsaw, he conquered.