Wild child Daphne "Zig" Ziegler (Tricia Leigh Fisher, half sister of Carrie) and her buttoned down fraternal twin sister Jennifer (Lisa Lörient) are shipped off to a boarding school in Greece in the pitch black comedy Pretty Smart (1987). The poster art may lead you to believe that Fisher's character helps ugly duckling Patricia Arquette win over her crush with a makeover, but this movie is about a clique of students at the boarding school exposing perverted headmaster Crawley (Dennis Cole), who has been secretly videotaping the girls in various states of undress around the school. Yeah, it's that kind of movie, if there is such a thing, but at least the surveillance equipment manages to capture tennis pro Nicholas Celozzi's tan-lined tush when he strips down to join Julie K. Smith in the tub! Pretty Smart of them to include such a scene!