A reboot of what was possibly the best sci-fi concept for a television series, this new iteration finds Dr. Ben Song (Raymond Lee) continuing the work of Scott Bakula’s Dr. Sam Beckett by stepping into a newly updated quantum accelerator and traveling thru time, leaping into the lives and bodies of strangers, and striving to put right what once went wrong. The new catch, however, is that he did it in secret, so not only does his team have to try to bring him home but also have to unravel the mystery of why he jumped the gun in the first place (just like in the original, leaping causes memory loss so Ben also doesn’t know why). Also, Ben has figured out a way to time travel outside outside his own lifetime, so he can literally leap anywhere, which opens the door to endless possibilities for both stories - and sexy skin! In the very first episode, as the getaway driver for a crew of thieves, we get a nice glimpse of Raymond’s smooth pecs when his shirt is ripped opened to check if he’s wearing a wire. And in episode three, we get double the shirtless goodness when he leaps into a boxer (who in the mirror is the rugged and ripped Jermaine Alvarez Martin) in 1970’s Las Vegas. The limitless story creativity is what makes the show so great and we’re praying that the writers have more skintimate moments in store!