TNT's buddy cop dramedy with a bit of a twist, Rizzoli & Isles tells the story of Detective Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander), two polar opposites who team up to solve various crimes in Boston. Solving its first crime in 2010 and lasting a full seven seasons, Rizzoli is the survivor of an attack by a serial killer known as "The Surgeon" who slashed her but couldn't finish the job. He ended up in jail, but the experience left her obsessed with solving crimes and bringing down bad guys. Her partner in crime...solving is Dr. Maura Isles, a quirky but hot rich girl turned forensic expert who is completely lacking in street smarts but has an encyclopedic understanding of the human body. So does Mr. Man! No, he's no doc, but he's truly an expert on hard bodies with thick cocks! For over half a decade viewers watched as this pretty pair of petite crimestoppers dealt with all the killers and crooks Beantown had to offer. This was a basic cable TV show, so there isn’t a whole lot of skin, but we did get a good look at Brett Easton’s booty during a scene where he falls out of a casket. He's a dead, naked body that's been jammed in there along with some old granny who died, so clearly someone's trying to hide his body. But you can't hide that can from the camera! A well-timed pause will show off that ass when he lays on the ground, dumper in the air, after his cadaver has been dumped onto the ground. We'd like to get our paws on that patootie. You don't need rizz when you've got an ass that tight! Scenes like that will bring out the smiles watching Rizzoli & Isles!