Romeo & Juliet Killers (2021) is a thrilling film directed by Lindsay Hartley that was inspired by a true-crime story. This is the story of an angsty and rebellious teenage girl and her boyfriend who work together to murder her mom in their elite, gated community in a wealthy Northern California suburb. The two were dubbed by journalists as the Romeo and Juliet killers. These two lovers went on the run until the killer Romeo and Juliet eventually attempted to kill themselves. Shakespeare would gag at this horrific twist to his star-crossed lovers - especially since this is based on a true story. He would also gag on the very hot leading man that makes us swoon. Zachery Roozen plays Boston and he is making us feel Boston-strong for his sexy bod in his two nude scenes that show us his hot ass. There is a bloody montage that shows Zach and his lady love stabbing her mom. They then have sex while covered in blood. Violent, bloody, but bootylicious. Be warned: this nude scene is not for the faint of heart! The next nude scene shows Zachary Roozen's rump as he nudely threatens a woman who walked in on him in the act. Are you cruisin' for a Roozen? Then Zachery's nude booty in this movie is exactly what you should be watching. Trust us - he's killer!