Shadow and Bone (2021) is a series based on the young adult novels by Leigh Bardugo of the same name. This Netflix series takes place in a fictional and fantastical place called Ravka - which is a thinly veiled version of Russia - and it stars Jessie Mei Li as orphan Alina Starkova. This orphaned teenager finds out that she has a special power. That's lucky timing because a group of resistance fighters believe that she might be the key to a prophecy about her saving the nation. That's right - it's a superhero prophecy story. Alina trains to become their savior to fight against the Shadow Fold which is the villain in the story. Fighting darkness is not going to be easy for young Alina, but she is up for the challenge. You will be up for the challenge of enjoying hot men in this show. There is no explicit nudity, but there are a lot of shirtless hunks. Watch Calahan Skogman play Matthias Helvar who goes without his shirt to show off his chest fur. Now that's some nice hair on his pecs! Then see the hot Archie Renaux play Malyen Orestev who shows off his sleek and muscular physique when he goes without his shirt for a well-lit scene. Check out Jesse Badger as Dima and Kit Young as Jesper Fahey enjoy some sweet and simply gay kisses in a dimly lit scene that is still sure to please. These guys put the boner in Shadow and Bone!