Like a twenty-first century version of The Brady Bunch fed through an ethnic kaleidoscope, The Fosters is a new kind of sitcom that follows Stef Foster (Teri Polo), a dedicated police officer, and her loving partner Lena Foster (Sherri Saum), a school vice principal, as they go through the trials and tribulations of raising a multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids. Stef has a biological son, Brandon (David Lambert), from a previous marriage, along with adopted twins, Mariana (Cierra Ramierz) and Jesus (Jake T. Austin). The kind and caring couple decide to take in trouble foster child, Callie (Maia Mitchell), and her younger brother, Jude (Hayden Byerly). You following? Good. The drama gets thicker when Callie begins to fall for Brandon. And your genitals will get a jolt when Jake T. Austin loses his shirt and pulls down his pants to pose for a sexy selfie. The dudes of The Fosters will foster your moments of self-fornication.