The Cinemax medical drama The Knick is an hour-long drama that involves the early days of New York's famous Knickerbocker Hospital, which closed its doors for good in 1979. The series follows Dr. John Thackery (Clive Owen), the newly appointed leader of the surgery staff. As he strives to advance medicine in the twenty-century, Dr. John also struggles with his cocaine and opium addictions. Outside of the addicted doc, there’s Dr. Algernon Edwards (André Holland), a black surgeon who must fight for respect from the white dominated hospital, as well as the narrow-minded city. While going through all the stresses of keeping a hospital operating, the staff tries to attract a wealthy clientele.
Thankfully the boys of Knick love to doff their knickers, and in season one, episode five, Jeremy Bobb shows his butt and manly upper body while taking a pee. He's later joined by the ass-baring blondie Charles Aitken as he has sex in the sack. We'd love to go on the Aitken diet after seeing those amazing cheeks! Stephen Spinella rounds out the ass-tounding performances, and Owen, Holland, Louis Butelli, and Michael Angarano join in for some shirtless fun!