Based on the novel of the same name by Elena Ferrante (The Lost Daughter, My Brilliant Friend), the Italian Netflix Original Series The Lying Life of Adults debuted on the streaming service in the first week of 2023 and tells the story of troubled teenager Giovanna (Giordana Marengo) growing up in Naples. Unsure of how to get her rebellious daughter under control, Giovanna's father ships her off for the summer to live with her spinster Aunt Vittoria (Valeria Golino), hoping that it might scare her straight. Instead, Giovanna discovers a kindred spirit in Vittoria, driving her mistrust of anyone obeying the polite rules of society through the roof! While the series is full of female nudity, those waiting to see some bare male butt cheeks will have to skip to episode six where hottie Adriano Pantaleo briefly bares his ass while banging Giordana Marengo on the couch!