Luna Park (2021) is an Italian series that takes place in the capital city of Rome in the 1960s. This ancient city was brought into the swingin' 60s when a free-spirited young woman starts to explore life outside of her family. Olivia Castanho plays Nora, our leading lady, and the rest of the cast is made up of great Italian actors. Now let's talk about the plot! Nora's family is comprised of circus people, so she essentially grew up in the circus. Now that she is coming of age and exploring her teenage self, she wonders if there is life outside of Luna Park, the amusement park and circus that she was born and raised in. It turns out that there is a lot more to life outside of the magical circus. One of those things just so happens to be young and handsome Italian men. Actually, do you want to know the best thing about this series? The Italian stallion actor that is Alessio Lapice. He plays Simone and he makes quite the stir when he goes nude in one scene. It's actually his nude debut! We get to see his booty when he bangs a babe in a tender loving lovemaking scene. Check out his firm backside, long legs, and deliciously olive-toned skin. His peach looks perky in the brief moment that we have to view it. Luna means "moon" in Italian, so we can say that Alessio showed us his full Luna. We would love to park and ride that thing!