The Man in the High Castle is an Amazon original series based on the 1962 dystopian novel by author Philip K. Dick that imagines a world where the Axis won World War II. Airing for four seasons starting in 2015, the show takes placed in an alternate version of 1962 where the Germans assassinated FDR, dropped a nuke on Washington D.C., won the war, and took control of the USA. Sort of like what we did to Germany, the Western part of America is ruled by the Japanese while the East is controlled by the Nazis, with a buffer zone in the middle. Obviously, things aren't great for people like Frank Frink (Rupert Evans) whose grandfather was Jewish, or Ed McCarthy (DJ Qualls), who is secretly gay, nevermind people like Thomas Smith (Quinn Lord), a young Hitler Youth member so indoctrinated by the Third Reich that he's angry his SS leader dad John (Rufus Sewell) didn't tell him that he had Muscular Dystrophy so the Nazis could send him to the gas chamber and volunteers himself to be euthanized immediately upon hearing his diagnosis. But while America is a fascist disaster, there is hope. Underground resistance leaders like Joe Blake (Like Kleintank) keep finding videos of an alternate world where the USA wins the war, which they deliver to the mysterious and wealthy collector known as "The Man in the High Castle." When the Nazis open up a few portals and some members get to see how much better our version of America was than theirs, the resistance finds some unexpected allies as they launch another American revolution. Although Philip K. Dick's last name would lead us to believe that High Castle has a high number of peens, there's no cock, and barely ant a-SS. The show sticks to showing us Rupert Evans’ sexy shirtless bod and some pubes, early on. Not, bad, but we expected more from Dick. Check out season 1, episode 2 for all the shirtless Evans action you could want, including a shot that gives us a peek at that beautiful bush! Things aren't so great for minorities on the show, as you could probably have guessed, but things look to be going pretty well for Cle Bennett's wife when she gets the cock and the cuddle from the black babe, which lets us see his strong back and muscular chest. In a world where being gay is far from okay, DJ Qualls and James Neate were willing to roll the dice and make out with each other, while Tyler Layton-Olson ends up at a wild sex party with all sorts of scantily clad boys and girls. Luke Kleintank takes his shirt off too, but it's Michael Hogan who shows the real skin. He's getting tortured, and amidst the darkness of a dank basement he is tied up naked, and we get to see his buns shining bright despite the brutality. Point Mr. Man to the alternate universe where all these hotties went full frontal in The Man in the High Castle!