In days of yore, grizzled men sailed on ships to treacherous parts of the globe in order to hunt whale to bring back their blubber as an energy source. The AMC miniseries The North Water, which debuted in the summer of 2021, is an adaptation of a 2016 novel of the same name that charts the waning days of this barbaric practice. Colin Farrell—at his most grizzled—stars as Henry Drax, an expert with a harpoon who also has a healthy penchant for barbarism, who joins a whaling expedition on a ship commandeered by Captain Brownlee (Stephen Graham). Also on board is a doctor named Patrick Sumner (Jack O'Connell), looking to escape a checkered past working for her majesty in India by traveling to the Arctic. Little does Drax, Sumner, or any one else aboard realize that with the whale oil market on its way out, the voyage is actually part of an insurance scam hatched by Brownlee and the ship's owner Baxter (Tom Courtenay) to sink the ship and recover the insurance money which is nearly triple the ship's value. Now these men from disparate circumstances, who have never fought for anything more than their own survival, must put their talents together and work towards something greater than themselves. The show got off to a surprisingly skinsational start when, in the debut episode, a crew member played by Philip Hill-Pearson took a trip to see the ship's doctor to get his cock examined, though we sadly only get to see him from behind! But what a behind it is! A beefed up Colin Farrell also gives us a great look at his ass during a trip to see the good doctor in episode three! The North Water will have your compass pointing north!