The Society (2019) is a science fiction series where teenagers suddenly find themselves living in an exact replica of their hometown, but without their parents. That seems like a good excuse for sexy "teens" to party without their parents and take off their clothes! Toby Wallace is really taking advantage of the "no parents" thing by having sex with his girlfriend. He is shirtless and under blankets, but the implication is there. Jacques Colimon and Alex MacNicoll also do this, but they both keep their shirtlessness above the blankets. They don't do it together, unfortunately, but Sean Berdy and Jack Mulhern have fun together (again, just shirtless) in a post-coital cuddle session. Emilio Garcia-Sanchez makes work fun when he shovels shirtless. The super skinny Seth Meriwether shows a little bit more when people charge into his room and find him in his tighty-whiteys. The hunky Spencer House is also in his underwear, housing a meaty bulge. This society sure is sexy!