The Dutch boob tube series Voetbalvrouwen follows the everyday drama of a several sexy footballers' wives as they support their men, who are all playing for the top soccer team in Amsterdam. Is this a spinoff of the far more popular British show Footballers' Wives? Oddly enough, it doesn't look like it. Apparently, the Dutch version of Footballers' Wives is a different show called Noppen En Naaldhakken. We guess Coke and Pepsi coexist as similar products, so why not these two? Between all the on-field drama, including a secretly trans coach, the show focuses on the ballers and their significant others. There’s star player Italo Ferrero (Bas Muijs), whose fiancée Solange (Nicolette van Dam) drags him down with her spoiled and pampered ways which causes issues with both his teammates and the team's fans. Danny Doornbos (Mike Weerts) is a newcomer being dragged through the press for his gambling addiction, while struggling to deal with his difficult gal Renske Veldman (Sophie van Oers). And that's before a dead body shows up in his house. Jeffrey Woesthoff (Barry Atsma) is the team’s top scorer, but when it looks like he's going to get shipped off to a Middle Eastern team, his wife Melanie (Lone van Roosendaal) sleeps with the team’s owner to secure her hubby’s spot on the roster. But when that doesn't work, she opts for murder! Too bad the show doesn’t spend more time in the locker room, because in season two, episode seven, the camera gives us a look at Bas Muijs, Mike Weerts, and Ludwig Bindervoet while taking a shower. Outside of their buff bodies, there’s really no actually nudity, except for some random rods in the background. What a shame, even if it's against the rules of soccer Voetbalvrouwen had us dying to put our hands on some balls!