Tense thriller A Perfect Getaway (2009) finds two couples on vacation on a Hawaiian island when they find themselves the newest prey of psychopathic killers. The foursome must get past their differences and work together if they are going to survive.
The hunk factor in this movie is off the charts with leading men Timothy Olyphant and Chris Hemsworth giving the beauty of the Hawaiian tropics a run for its money. Both guys end up wet and shirtless on a few occasions so there are some amazing shots of Viking god Hemsworth’s muscles. Olyphant is no slouch either. In one scene he walks shirtless into a swimming hole. As he enters the water he pushes his pants down and shows us his majestic rear as he dives into the water. The moisture in your pants will be Justified as you watch him emerge from the water, soaking wet and flashing some butt cleavage.
While the movie is short on nudity, it is heavy on the sexy and just watching Thor and Sherriff Bullock fill up the screen is enough to make this one a winner.