The crime comedy After the Sunset (2004) stars Pierce Brosnan as Max Burdett, a high stakes thief living large in the Bahamas with his accomplice Lola (Salma Hayek). The duo just recently lifted the second of three famous diamonds, so with their financial future set, they plan on relaxing and living off their ill-gotten funds. But persistent FBI agent Stan (Woody Harrelson), the couple’s lifelong antagonist, thinks that they’re far from finished; he thinks they’re plotting to steal the third diamond, one of the largest in the world, which is set to be paraded about the island their dwelling on, as a sort of touring exhibition. How convenient! It’s on the tropical island where Stan teams up with a local cop, setting out to catch the thieves red handed. But Max is no dummy; he knows that you have to keep your enemies close, which he does by befriending the suspicious law enforcer. Hijinks soon follow, as does some shirtlessness from the buff Brosnan.