Based on Italy's "Baby Squillo Scandal" from back in 2013, Netflix created the teen drama Baby back in 2018 when the underage prostitution saga was still fresh in Italian minds. Essentially, the show revolves around Chiara (Benedeta Pocrarolli) and Ludovica (Alice Pagani), two Italian teens who decide to become high class hookers so they can afford some luxury goods. Chiara's rich, so she could afford them already, but lets her friend talk her into turning tricks in large part by emphasizing how exciting it will be. Sure, things go bad when their pimps (Paolo Calabresi and Giuseppe Maggio) push them to work more and more and the law learns about their make you cream scheme, but it's definitely an exciting lifestyle considering how excited the Italian hotties they service make us! Speaking of making it, if you like them young and thin, Lorenzo Zurzolo wakes up shirtless in his underwear after a night of doing it and gets shoved out by his girl. Oh, come on, stay awhile! Mr. Man would never kick a boytoy like that out of his bed! Ricardo Mandolini also wakes up shirtless and cuddling his babe, but his underwear-clad body is stealing the show. Oh baby, is that chest nice! A bit later and we'll see him putting that body in motion during a sex scene, but he still never gets past the undie level. Take those things off when you're baby-making! Brendo Pacitto and Mirko Trovato make out with each other a bunch of times, proving you don't need to turn tricks when you give that good dick! The luscious Ludovico Succio is just as succulent when he's sucking face with a fella, too. How Rome-antic! Finally, we want to make Giuseppe Maggio our Baby after we see him in his underwear as he makes out with his lady. Look at his strapping chest and the beautiful tat on his arm. Baby, come to bed and take off your undies next time!