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Blood Tide

Blood Tide (1982)

No Nudity

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This 80s horror flick, Blood Tide, filmed entirely on location in the gorgeous Greek Islands is about to blow your feathered hair back like the lead actor, The Karate Kid's (1984) Martin Kove ripping across the Mediterranean on a speed boat.  We are dropped into an absurd ancient world of mythology when a treasure hunter (James Earl Jones) accidentally unleashes an evil that demands young flesh!  Not just any young flesh, virginal sacrifices that come by way of busty babes, just like any ancient evil demands, or course... When Martin Kove and his wife (Animal House's Mary Louise Weller) come to the islands for a visit, they meet the charming treasure hunter, Darth Vader himself, James Earl Jones, who spouts Shakespearean sonnets throughout the movie, but after he unknowingly unleashes the monster, they are forced to spend the rest of the movie protecting Marty's sister, Madeline (Deborah Shelton), who just so happens to be a hot busty virgin who is slowly becoming possessed and acting erratically on their vacation.  This movie has pretty much everything for the 80s babe lovers of the bunch, but what the boys bring to the table is nothing to sneeze at either!  We get a pre Karate Kid Martin Kove, looking every bit the party of a 1982 slice of man meat with his hairy chest, high-waisted dungarees and gold chain, highlighting an overly tanned torso.  We also get a younger James Earl Jones spending the majority of this flick sans shirt, sporting an equally hairy chest, his light eyes, and some strong arms he uses to bust open watermelons on the beach!  Enjoy the 80s horror movie-ness of this one because they certainly don't make em like they used to.