It's almost prescient in it's interpretation of the future of modern day... Yet it's funny to think that the source material of Brave New World (2020) was written in 1931 by the great Aldous Huxley. In it's focus on the Dystopian future dressed up as Utopian society, we are air dropped into a world where there are three primary rules, "No Privacy, No Family, No Monogamy", where everyone survives and stays distracted by instant gratification in every carnal thing available at their disposal. Everyone has a job they love, there is no racism, crime, overpopulation, and if you ever get the itch of unpleasant feelings from days gone by, you simply pop one of the endless supply of emotion controlling pills that are provided to you. A true society distracted from itself and it's behind the curtain problems with designer drugs, music filled parties, and of course as much sex as you want with as many beautiful people as you like! Just don't ask any questions or try to peek behind the curtain... Stay stimulated with the sex, drugged up with the pills, and let all the free entertainment wash over your mind while the "Savageland" amusement park of the real world is out of sight and out of mind! That is until John the Savage (Alden Ehrenreich) is propelled into their world after a series of violent acts puts him in the middle of New London without wanting to be there and being the only one who sees it for what it is... A lie! As with most societies distracted with sex, you're definitely going to need some "Alpha+" pieces of ass, and they definitely keep the sex at the forefront of this adaptation, the lead Alden Ehrenreich takes the cake, but we also get some nudity from Sen Mitsuji, and shirtless sexy times from Harry Lloyd and Ira Mandela Siobhan, not to mention orgy after orgy through the series... SO buckle up for an adaptation of a novel from the early 1930s that predicted the world of 90 years in the future with crystal ball levels of accuracy, including all the casual hook-ups and pill-popping!