Sometimes an artist just hits a dead end, just like how a writer ends up with "writer's block". For Chance (Will Rothhaar), he is at that impasse where he spends his days just staring at a blank canvas on his easel, just sinking deeper and deeper into negative thoughts. He hates the nude models that he hires because they are too easily moveable and don't give him what he actually wants, they might as well just be mannequins. Until one day when he hires Charlie (Brooke Culbertson), and he immediately thinks she is his next muse. Charlie is a gorgeous college student, who just so happens to be working on her thesis on famous sociopaths throughout history, like serial killers, ruthless business men, and people along those lines. It's too bad that she can't see that Chance is not just a tortured artist, who appears to be quietly reserved and focused on his craft, he is in fact a ruthless sociopath and serial killer himself! As Charlie slowly begins to pick-up the bad vibes coming off of the guy who draws her in the nude, Chance is honing his other craft of murdering people around LA with a pair of scissors. You see, any true artist won't let their "muse" just walk away, Chance is going to make sure that Charlie and her boyfriend know that sacrifices need to be made for art, and they might end up being the actual sacrifices he needs to move his art to the next level. So, Chance Has No Empathy, but he makes up for it with a big swinging cock which you get to see a shadowy glimpse of when Will Rothhaar comes sauntering out of the shower to get dressed. It's definitely worthy of the Manvision rewind and slow down for your enjoyment!