American Dirtbags (2015) is a dramatic comedy written and directed by Bob Place and starring Michael Albanese, Sandra Bowman, and Kelsey Deleshaw. This fast paced, dark comedy follows the lives of six loveable dirtbags and the horrible, but hilarious, choices that they make. The six degenerates’ lives are interwoven in ways they do not realize. The mesmerizing Michael Albanese strips down for this dirty dramedy. Michael shows off his sexy chest and that beautiful butt as he takes a shower. That’s certainly an all American booty! The juicy Jonathon Pawlowski gets naked for this film as well. Jonathon shows off his fuckable figure when he is sent to prison and has to strip to get hosed down. We’re not sure what Jonathon is in the clink for but he looks so tasty with his shirt off it should be a crime. Now if only there were two hoses shown in this scene!