Christian Brothers (2017) is a comedy series about two brothers - the Christian brothers - who both hail from Compton in California. Zyaire Christian is studying in his second year at a local church where he is trying to become a minister. Of course, his congregation is not filled with saints. He and his brother Kyron Christian struggle to maintain their sanity as the congregation continues to do outrageous things. The comedy flows from there with these two brothers trying to handle their own family relationships as well as the goings-on of this church. Nelson J. Davis is exactly the kind of guy we all need to see in this series. He is not one of the Christian brothers, but he is super sexy throughout the series. He plays Braden who shows his booty a couple of times to show off his ass as he slips down his undies to bang a blonde bimbo. In other scenes, he simply goes shirtless and just wears his boxer briefs that show off his tight package. His undies really cling to that sexy bulge as well as the shape of his buns. Oh, and his six-pack abs? Delicious! Let us go back to that booty, however. His buns look firm and high as he shows off his backside when he either has a sex scene or simply shows off his junk to people. Plus you can see his sack from the back. Let us pray for more nudity from this Christian brother in the future.