Conceived as a political satire where each season revolves around a different world crisis with a sardonic edge, The Brink debuted on HBO in 2015. Among the characters are the President of the United States Julian Navarro (Esai Morales); CIA Director Susan Buckley (Mimi Kennedy); aspiring federal judge Joanne Larson (Carla Gugino); and Robert Kittredge (John Larroquette), the evangelical United States Ambassador to Pakistan. Director Jay Roach, who had past success on the network with his political spoofs Recount (2008) and Game Change (2012), directed the show's pilot episode which focused on a potential nuclear crisis in Pakistan. As such, the current Secretary of State, Walter Larson (Tim Robbins), is forced to work with a bone-headed US government official named Alex Talbot (Jack Black) who is stationed at the American Embassy in Islamabad. In other words, these two buffoons are the only thing standing between us and nuclear annihiliation! On that note, the series begins with a bang as Walter and a prostitute named Jasmine (Mara Lane) enjoy kinky role play in a hotel room. While tied up, Tim touts his hairy chest. Later, he reveals his rosy rump! Even with a pillow over his head, the skintastic actor looks fab. Too bad, Walter's assistant Kendra Peterson (Maribeth Monroe) breaks in to spoil the fun. Even worse news comes off screen when viewers learn the series was canceled after only one season. In fact, The Brink had Mr. Man on the brink of orgasm. At least it was good while it lasted!