The longest running live-action sitcom in television history, FX's hilarious comedy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia follows “The Gang”, a gaggle of five underachieving, egocentric, awful people who just happen to be friends: twins Dennis Reynolds (Glenn Howerton) and Dee Reynolds (Kaitlin Olson), Frank Reynolds (Danny DeVito), the dude who raised them, Charlie Kelly (Charlie Day), and Mac (Rob McElhenney). Together, the guys run Paddy’s Pub, a rundown Irish bar located in the south side of Philadelphia. Truly trash human beings for fifteen seasons and counting, Dennis is a sociopathic Ivy League grad who calls himself "The Golden God" and has a patented seduction system to get women to sleep with him, Mac's the meathead jock who only shuts up about how athletic he is when he's saying something anti-Semitic, Charlie's the illiterate drunk with anger management issues, Dee's the petty and egotistical aspiring comic, while Frank's the gun toting crook always looking for his next illegal scheme. Whether they're trying to kick the homeless out of their section of Philly, cheat their way into winning an award for best bar in Philly, or dealing with their bar getting put on a list of places that are unsafe for women, The Gang was always scheming to find the worst possible solution to every problem. In one of the more insane things any actor has ever done, Rob McElhenney thought it'd be funny to get super fat for one season, then insanely ripped for another. When he's shredded, he makes sure to take his shirt off a ton to show it! He's even more jacked than UFC star Donald Cerrone, who we watch weigh-in during one episode. There's a crazy pixelated sex scene where Charlie Day's doing some girl doggystyle, while T.J. Hoban has more abs than we thought was possible when he pretends to be a superhero as some part of a gag. Since he's supposed to be obsessed with how he looks, of course we got a look at Glenn Howerton's heinie as he walked around naked, while comic legend Danny DeVito flashes his fanny after hiding naked in a leather couch. The City of Brotherly Love, indeed! It's always good to see some skin on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!