The Spanish language Netflix original series Club de Cuervos premiered on the streaming service in August, 2015! The series follows a family of ruthless, backstabbing siblings who jockey for control of a soccer team when their father, and the team's owner, dies suddenly. As they attempt to sabotage one another and attain the financial glory that can only be afforded one of them, the various siblings go to extreme lengths and cause all manner of irreparable damage to themselves, their reputations, and most importantly, their relationships! Since the series is set in and around the world of professional sports, you can expect lots of locker room action! Not only do we get a glimpse of Luis Gerardo Méndez's balls under his towel, we get some nice butt shots from Said Sandoval and Alosian Vivancos. The vast majority of the series' skin is of the shirtless variety, including nice looks at the fantastic physiques of Antonio de la Vega, Ianis Guerrero, Juan Pablo de Santiago, and Luis Rabago, it's Joaquin Ferreira who steals the show giving us a look at his massive member in episode 4!
In season two, the boys are back and as bare as ever! Luis Gerardo Méndez returns with multiple looks at his awesome ass, and Joaquín Ferreira even dons a sexy leather getup while helping his porn star wife practice for a BDSM scene! We're also loving the ass flash from the adorable twink Juan Pablo de Santiago when he hops out of bed. Cuervos will have you covered in huevos rancheros!