David Milchardhas mostly gained fame by playing a two-year old girl named Coco. Mr. Man would like to vehemently point out this is not where he gets naked, but strictly as a point of reference, since David has actually been in 82 episodes of the web series Convos with My 2-Year Old over the course of the years 2013-2022. As one might guess, he’s a comedian, and one might also further guess he’s from Canada, since, yah, they have wicked humor up there. Raised in Deep River, Ontario, he tends to stick to his native country and the upper US states, mostly performing improv as part of the show David and Ken: Comedy With Music!, a “one of a kind improvised comedy show and rock concert,” according to the website. As for his nudeness, the top half of David’s naked ass can be seen in the gory flickEvil Feed(2013). As an no-good bookie, he tries to get it on with a chick, who bites a chunk out of him. Literally. Blood and everything when she spits out the piece (eww is the appropriate response here). Lucky for us, though, in a startled state of pain, he rolls to the side, revealing bare buttocks. While you may be tempted to stop right here (and Mr. Man wouldn’t blame you), if you want to see more of David with his clothes on, you can find him in a variety of pop-ups on projects mostly filmed in Canada, like the series Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce in 2016 and iZombie in 2017, and the TV movie The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story (2015). That definitely seems like a good place to stop.