Cinema in the 1980s was all about science fiction. Some of the classics released in that decade include The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Blade Runner (1982), E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982), Tron (1982), The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984), Aliens (1986), and RoboCop (1987). Of course, we can’t forget to add the out-of-this world comedy Earth Girls Are Easy (1989) to this list. Under the direction of Julien (The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle) Temple, The Fly (1986) stars Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis reunite. The plot begins when a UFO carrying aliens Mac (Goldblum), Wiploc (Jim Carrey) and Zeebo (Damon Wayans) crashes into a swimming pool owned by Valerie (Davis). She’s a mild-mannered manicurist who is engaged to the philandering Dr. Ted Gallagher (Charles Rocket). Perhaps that’s why Val is all too happy to give the spacy foreigners a much-needed makeover. As a matter of fact, Valerie helps them blend in and find dates in the States. Along the way, the movie offers music, laughs, and views of Mr. Wayans without his shirt on! As Val primps, preens, and pimps the aliens out to girls, she feels like a new gal herself since she falls in lust with the main man Mac. As a result, we get to see Mr. Goldblum’s bare chest when he and Ms. Davis find themselves in bed together. Will he succeed in filling her deep space with his nine? If so, it’ll be off screen since this flick is only rated PG.