Fate: The Winx Saga is based on a 2000s cartoon called Winx Club, and brings those beloved characters to life with the razzle dazzle of live action! People are crazy for this Netflix young adult series, and we're crazy for all of the gorgeous men. Fate: The Winx Saga follows a group of young women who are anything but normal. They're abnormal. Kidding! But they are all fairies and they do all attend the Otherworld boarding school. Fate: The Winx Saga taps into both the allure of high school dramas as well as the popular fantasy genre to deliver one of the most popular television series in recent history. These fairies must deal with all the dramz of being high schoolers while also learning to fine-tune their rare fairy skills. Literally same tho? While we're loving literally everything about Fate: The Winx Saga, we have to level with you. One fairy to another. We're really here for the hot boys! Danny Griffin is a snack attack and a half, and we get to see his glistening young body in the bedroom! Danny has smooth flawless skin and an ultra sexy athletic build that we seriously just cannot get enough of. We refuse! And don't even get us started on his model-hot face. We're fairly certain that we're falling for Danny Griffin! Plus please do NOT forget about the awesome shirtless action we get from the likes of Freddie Thorp and Theo Graham. Truly a tasty trio of toplessness! From its intriguing plot of sexy pubescent fairies struggling with love and fairy powers to the gorgeous men who grace this series, Fate: The Winx Saga is truly can't-miss television. We're gaga for this saga!