The critically acclaimed gay neo-noir thriller Femme stars Nathan Stewart-Jarrett as a drag performer named Jules who gets targeted by a group of homophobes after a show. The lead assailant is the closeted Preston (George MacKay), and when Jules happens upon Preston at a gay bathhouse, his method for revenge becomes clear: Seduce Preston (who does not recognize Jules out of drag), film having sex with Preston, and use the video to out him. Jules doesn't have to work too hard to seduce the tatted jock Preston. Nathan Stewart-Jarrett is an undeniable hottie, and we would be proud to be seduced by him into a blackmail scheme any day! Things get very spicy between Preston and Jules, with their chemistry exploding onto the screen in multiple gay sex scenes. Throw in a ton of other nudity and even some gay porn at the bathhouse, and Femme is quite the gem!