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Fred Norris

Fred Norris Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Blond Hair

Date of Birth: 07/09/55

Top Fred Norris Scenes


Never say 'no' to Fred Norris. How could one? He's so damned gorgeous, but it took people a while to know that because he is best known for being a radio personality. When people say they have a face for radio, they definitely are not talking about Fred Norris. The Connecticut native met Howard Stern early on in his career when the pair were just in college. From their first friendship, the two of them began working together in the radio industry. The two of them became radio legends with Fred consistently working with Howard throughout his career. Fred has decades in the business, but he took breaks from his velvet voice to act. He has acted in Cruel Intentions (1999) and in an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit in 2013 as Leon, the owner of a head shop. Seeing him on camera is pretty far out, right? He plays himself in the classic Howard Stern film Private Parts. He walks into a bathroom in his boxers, showing off his lean and shirtless chest. Who knew that a radio god could have such a stellar body? He gives us filthy feelings when he joins Howard and a naked woman in a bathtub. These boys are getting sudsy together and we are here for it. Watch the soap get all over his chest, but we kind of think that those suds are getting in the way. Either way, Fred in the bath is more than a laugh! It's hot!