Set in the early 1960s in Poland, the black and white drama Ida (2013) follows Anna (Agata Trzebuchowska), an eighteen-year-old aspiring nun readying herself to take her final vows in a convent where she was abandoned on the doorstep as a baby in 1945 by an unknown person. But before Anna makes the final plunge towards becoming a nun, the Mother Superior insists that she find her only living relative. Following the holy lady’s suggestions, the god-loving gal soon finds herself interacting with her aunt Wanda (Agata Kulesza), a drunken, cynical Communist who drops a bomb on Anna about the tragic circumstances that led to her parents’ demise. The unlikely pair finds themselves on a heart-wrenching journey through the countryside of central Europe that leads them both on a path of enlightenment and emotion. Along the way, they cross paths with Lis (Dawid Ogrodnik), a jazz-loving saxophonist that develops an immediate crush on Ida, and he ultimately makes the naïve nun question her righteous path, especially when he shows off his shirtless physique while lounging in bed. Dawid will make your jaw hit the floor!