The military drama Lone Survivor (2013) is based on the true story of one soldier's fight for survival after a failed operation in Afghanistan sees the rest of his team killed. Marcus Luttrell (Mark Wahlberg) and three other soldiers (Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, and Ben Foster) are sent to kill a Taliban leader in a remote mountainside town. Trekking through the mountains, the soldiers run across a pair of villagers. Fearful they'll give up their position, the soldiers have to decide whether to kill them, or let them free. After a long debate and a group vote, they let them free, which ends up being a bad move since the villagers alert the Taliban to their whereabouts and soon the mountains are flooded with Taliban members trying to kill the SEALs. Only Luttrell survives the assault, though he'll end up hiding in a village that takes him in but does so at the constant risk of death. The film is very difficult to watch and includes some of the most harrowing scenes of war ever put on film. There's also some controversy about aspects of Luttrell's book that some military members don't think check out. But no matter how much might have been exaggerated, at least we can check out some elite Hollywood beefcakes. Early in the film, before everything goes south, Taylor Kitsch and Emile Hirsch have a shirtless foot race that nicely shows off both of the actors' fantastic physiques! You'll finish before they cross the finish line! Later in the film, Mark Wahlberg is nursed back to health and reveals his tip-top physique as well, though sadly we don't get anything from Ben Foster! Even still, this is one film that's full of prime cut hunks! Lone Survivor will make you want to bone that survivor!