The Switch (2010) is a hilarious comedy that mixes reproduction with platonic friendship and secret feelings. It's the total package! This movie puts old best friends Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) and Wally (Jason Bateman) together after seven years. Kassie wants to have a baby due to artificial insemination, but Wally thinks that is stupid...especially because he is secretly in love with her. At a party she has to celebrate her artificial insemination, the drunken Wally sees the sperm donor's sample in the bathroom and decides to, well, add to it. Years pass and Wally was too drunk to remember that that happens. Since then, Kassie has moved out of New York City to raise her baby. Seven years later she and her son Sebastian come back to New York, but Wally starts noticing that her son has a lot of strange similarities to him. That's right! It IS his kid. What a pickle! Speaking of pickles, we don't exactly get to see any pickles or pieces of man meat in this movie, but we do see seat meat. How nice is that! Will Swenson shows up as an actor in a stage play where he is truly flexing his muscles...his ass muscles. He's naked in the play, holding a sword. The audience gets to see his sword for real, but we only get the backside view. That's okay because his meaty glutes are worth drooling over. In fact, you might find your pants giving Will Swenson's ass a standing ovation.