The WGN America drama series Manhattan explores the race to build the world’s first atomic bomb. Set in the desert of Los Alamos, New Mexico in 1943, the series follows lead scientist Frank Winter (John Benjamin Hickey), a brilliant and self-destructive man, and his team of fellow scientists—Charlie Isaacs (Ashley Zukerman), Glen Babbit (Daniel Stern), Jim Meeks (Christopher Denham), Paul Crosley (Harry Lloyd), Sid Liao (Eddie Shin), Louis Fedowitz (Michael Chernus) and Helen Prins (Katja Herbers)—that are hidden away by the federal government to work on the Manhattan Project. When they’re not trying to build the ultimate weapon of warfare, the super smart dudes have to deal with their family lives. There’s a lot of drama, but there isn’t much skin. In season one, episode three, Stafford Douglas teased a look at his pasty flesh while going for a dip in the lake. Mr. Man thinks Stafford is the bomb!