Set in Chile, this is the tale of having your eyes opened to the atrocities of everyday life by opening your legs for a sexy freedom fighter. Following Irene (Jennifer Connelly), a magazine editor who hires a handsome photographer (Antonio Banderas), Of Love and Shadows (1994), is the story of his compelling her to see, for the first time, that she is living in the shadows of an oppressive dictatorship. Set in 1970s Chile, Irene is a fashion journalist who doesn't care about Chile's authoritarian government as long as she's up to date on the hottest trends. Former psychologist turned photographer Francisco (Antonio Banderas) is from a family that was exiled from Spain, so he knows where the stuff Augusto Pinochet Ugarte is doing in Chile can lead. Francisco introduces her to the underground freedom fighter movement, which opens Irene's eyes to all the atrocities she's been ignoring. Now woke to the ways of the world, can she go back to debating prints versus stripes or will she become an active member of the movement looking to take the dictator down? Either way, she's gonna let Antonio dick her down, since he was gorgeous back in the mid-90's. We at Mr. Man have an office pool going. We’re attempting to name one movie, one singular movie, Antonio Banderas isn’t shirtless or showing his backside in. Go ahead, name one. And before you say he’s in Shrek (2001), yes, we thought of that. But he’s wearing only boots and a hat. So, he’s technically wearing even less clothes! It’s like the guy has it written into his contract to show skin. Of Love and Shadows is no exception. Antonio thrusts deep into the deep darkness that is Chile’s ruthless government but not before showing his ass while thrusting deep into Jennifer! And she's a married woman! Yes, Jennifer's character is married to a soldier, played by Camilo Gallardo, who had us super hardo when he showed his ass, too! Once, we see it while he's undressing, and another time we see it while he's getting tortured! Sure, he's a tool of a fascist, but that ass had us grabbing our tool with a tight fist! Of Love and Shadows had us dying to get Chil-laid!