Mitch (Luke Wilson), Frank (Will Ferrell) and Beanie (Vince Vaughn) are a trio of middle-aged dudes that long for the fun and excitement of their college days in the crazy comedy Old School (2003). When Mitch, a hardworking real estate attorney comes back from a business trip early to find his girlfriend Heidi (Juliette Lewis) hosting an orgy, he quickly decides to change his life and relive his college years by buying a house located near a bawdy frat house. With Frank and Beanie, who are dealing with their own relationship issues, in tow, the goofy threesome throw themselves back into the college lifestyle, even hosting a full Rush Week where they take helpless pledges and submit them to a series of humiliating tasks for entry in their makeshift frat house. It’s all fun and games until their arch-nemesis Pritchard (Jeremy Piven), the Dean of Students, renews his grudge with the gang and makes their lives a living hell.
The pledges’ pain is the viewers’ pleasure, especially when Rick Gonzalez, Rob Corddry and Jerod Mixon show off their fine behinds during an embarrassing moment of pledging. Not to be outdone, Will Ferrell adds a dash of ass during a hilariously hot moment of streaking. Makes you want to head back to college!