Power is a drama series from executive producer Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson that first aired on the Starz Network in June, 2014, and lasted a solid six seasons. The show follows James St. Patrick AKA Ghost (Omari Hardwick), a successful night club owner whose upscale club caters exclusively to wealthy clientele. From the outside it seems like James is a brilliant businessman running a legitimate company. However, what his clients don't know is that Ghost is also living a double life as a drug kingpin, which forces him to keep certain secrets for and from certain people. His best buddy Tommy (Joseph Sikora) knows the truth about his friend's finances but isn't dying to get out of the drug game like Ghost. But when the Mexican cartel leader who supplies Ghost his goods catches the attention of the Feds, including Ghost's ex-girlfriend turned Federal Prosecutor Angela (Leila Loren), it looks like Ghost is in serious trouble. With rivals itching to take over his empire and the constant pressure to keep his NYC nightclub humming along, Ghost is going to have to do everything in his power to make sure protecting his dual lives doesn't get him killed. Omari Hardwick gave us a hard dick when he kicked things off in the series premiere with two nude scenes! In the first one, he gets it in with his gal Tasha St. Patrick (Naturi Naughton), showing off his built body and amazing ass as he plows the lucky lady. Omari also adds another dash of ass while he changes out of his clothes. Buff dude Joseph Sikora gives us a look at his sick butt in multiple scenes as well, including during a cavity search in jail. J.R. Ramirez showed his buns railing some woman in a purple room, while the short and stocky bad boy Rotimi kept things steamy, showing some rump post-hump when he had to fend off some bad guys who cockblocked him. Joseph Sikora had us begging for more-a seeing his ripped body and tight buns, while Larenz Tate played a city councilor with a great dumper we see doing some post-sex lounging. Add to that Maurice Compto railing a girl against a window and more, and you'll be hard the entire hour you're watching an episode of Power. The series, however, really made headlines when it featured 50 Cent's thick cock and gorgeous ass during some scandalous scenes! That's a great unit on the head of G-Unit! You'll be Power-less to resist the sexual charms of the fellas in Power!