Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Our Staff Picks column is a new addition that takes you back to a time when video stores reigned supreme and the "Staff Picks" section was the place to find out what films were worthy of one's time. Of course, our version has a decidedly nude angle, as we suss out which films from a certain genre with great nudity. This week: 90s horror!

90s horror movies are ICONIC. They are the films that launched the Scary Movie franchise, after all. I am talking about Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Final Destination, and so many more. Not to mention the rare Academy Award-winning horror film, Silence of the Lambs. The 90s had great horror films, possibly second only to the 70s when it comes to classic thrills and chills, BUT not a ton of nudity.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Fear not. I scrounged our archives to find good nude scenes in great 90s horror movies.

Jacob's Ladder

This 1990 film is pretty ahead of its time for its depictions of PTSD in regard to war and familial trauma. How sexy! Just kidding, but we do see star Tim Robbins' bare ass. A Vietnam War veteran starts dissociating after his child dies and he has a hard time deciphering fact from fiction. I'll help him: that rump is real! While he is busy hallucinating seriously scary things, I am busy salivating over his seat meat.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

An American Werewolf in Paris

Hey, it's another American werewolf movie! An American man is in France this time around and he has gotten himself all tangled up with French werewolves. Been there, done that, am I right? The French werewolves have developed a serum that allows them to transform back and forth into their wolf personas anytime they want.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

The thing I love about creature features is that they tend to give us nudity. These creatures rarely keep their clothes on when going from one form to the next.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Demon Wind

This 1990 indie horror stars Eric Larson whose grandparents suddenly die. He and his friends become amateur detectives who go to the old farm where the mysterious deaths had happened years ago. They find that things were not what they seemed. In fact, his grandparents may have died under supernatural circumstances...and he and his friends may be next. Before any kinds of creepy deaths occur, we are treated to Eric's derriere! I am a fiend for a fine ass.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror


When I was a wee child going to the video store, I used to stare at the cover of the Species VHS. It was so alluring! It turns out the movie is even better because there are naked men in it. While the plot follows an alien seductress trying to find an Earthling mate, my eyes were glued to all of her hot potential suitors.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Michael Madsen briefly shows his ass when he gets out of bed and pulls on his pants, baring crack. However, I am really intrigued by the little tease from Anthony Guidera. Those cum gutters...grrr....

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Shallow Grave

In 1994, Danny Boyle made his debut with this strange Scottish horror flick about some 20-somethings in Edinburgh. One day, three of the friends discover their fourth roommate dead...and with a ton of cash. They barely question where the money came from. Instead, they argue over what to do with the money and they eventually turn on one another...of course!

Staff Picks: 90s HorrorStaff Picks: 90s Horror

Admittedly, this film is more of a thriller than a horror film. However, I could not help myself from suggesting it because of Christopher Eccleston's ass. We also see dick from the dead roomie. Dead or alive, I love dudity in this film!


Shakespearean actor and director Kenneth Branagh surprised us all when he dipped into a horror adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. His version of Frankenstein is the nudest version we've seen in the modern era because there is an ass and there is even dick. It's a monster dick, but still! Robert De Niro plays the creature and he shows off his slimy, naked body in a slippery scene that is sure to make you wet.

Staff Picks: 90s Horror

Do you want more horror? I thought so. Check out this playlist that will give you a delight AND a fright: