Set in the fictional town of Orson, Indiana, the goofy ABC sitcom The Middle follows Mike (Neil Flynn) and Frankie Heck (Patricia Heaton), the parental glue of a dysfunctional family that includes Axl (Charlie McDermott), a narcissistic, wannabe nudist; Sue (Eden Sher), a constantly failing teenager; and Brick (Atticus Shaffer), a seven-year-old who is as weird as he is adorable. Pitched as the tale of a middle-class family led by some middle-aged parents, the series follows the family as they go about their day-to-day activities, finding humor in the least expected places. The oldest son's the dumb jock, the daughter's smart, and the young one's a weirdo, while the mom's a dental assistant, the dad's a regional manager of limestone quarry who spends his Sundays watching the Indianapolis Colts. Yup, this one was aimed squarely at Middle America, which isn't a shocker considering it was penned by two writers who worked together on Roseanne. It’s primetime TV, folks, so don’t expect any real flesh. But if you're one of those weirdos who want to unzip your fly to the type of solid dude who lives in America's flyover states, there's some stuff for you here. Charlie McDermott flaunts his youthful and fit physique during a hairdryer-dryer-meets-baby-powder prank. We never get bored of washboard abs, so we're happy to declare that his body is pretty far from mid. If you prefer your All-American boy next door to be a bit more muscular, get a load of, and shoot a load to, David Hull's work as one of those shirtless models they used to hire at the mall. He's eating at the food court, and suddenly we're quite thirsty! We'd love to be the creamed filling in The Middle of those two!